
Vortex Shear-Mixer

Vortex Shear-Mixer An advanced mixing solution that reduces additive waste, mixing time and cost

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Category : Powder Mixers

Vortex Shear-Mixer An advanced mixing solution that reduces additive waste, mixing time and cost

Mixing of liquid and powder, or slurry mixing, is a necessary process for many applications. Effective slurry mixing significantly impacts operational safety, speed, and overall cost. However, the perceived simplicity of the process often leads to poor, unsafe slurry mixing practices and the use of outdated or improper equipment. Venturi eductors, or slurry eductors as they are commonly referred to, are relatively simple devices that are installed directly into motive liquid flow lines. They have been employed in numerous applications over the years as an extremely cost effective means of mixing slurries. They have no moving parts or motors, and passively convert motive flow pressure into vacuum, inducing powdered additives directly into the motive fluid. However, they are not free from issues such as plugging, sensitivity to recirculated solids, and inadequate powder dispersion which disqualifies them for use in applications where continuous powder flow, batch recirculation, and slurry homogeneity are critical. The Alfa Laval Vortex Shear-Mixer is an advanced style of venturi eductor that provides all of the functional simplicity of its predecessor, but overcomes multiple issues that inhibit the traditional venturi eductor. 
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